2025 Astor Benefit

Astor PTSO Online Auction  ending soon!

Auction ends 

Friday, March 14th @ 7pm!

Get your bids in today & share with your family & friends!

Vacation rentals! Shows! Family experiences and more!

PTSO's Annual Parent's Night Out

"That 70's Benefit"

Saturday, March 15th, 5-10pm

Red Sea Church

7535 N Chicago Ave

Live auction of class projects! 

Win a Beach Getaway!

Karaoke with a live band!

Sneak peeks!

Classroom Projects

Your students are hard at work creating masterpieces for the live auction at the benefit! If you haven't yet, get your tickets now, for the chance to bid on these treasures!

Here's how you can help:

Help make it happen! Volunteer to organize or work at the event, opportunities big & small.

Question about the event? Feel free to contact us at astorbenefit@astorptso.org